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So far Elin has created 19 blog entries.

Can You Compare Your Company’s CO2 Footprint with Others?

One expectation we often encounter when conducting Greenhouse gas inventories for companies is the desire to compare their organizations' calculated carbon footprint with other companies, especially competitors. It is completely natural – to better understand whether the carbon footprint is large or small and how it measures up against others in their industry. While we commend any company that takes the first [...]

2024-11-20T08:28:36+02:0020. Nov 2024|Sustainability|

Overcoming Scope 3 Emissions Challenges

In the world of corporate sustainability, Scope 3 emissions frequently account for a significant portion of a company’s total carbon footprint. These emissions, originating from sources not directly controlled by the organization but existing throughout its value chain, often represent the most challenging aspect of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reporting. Despite their complexity and the time-intensive effort required to calculate them, understanding [...]

2024-11-12T15:58:09+02:0013. Nov 2024|Sustainability|

Carbon Footprint Calculation Tool

In the context of a changing climate, reducing greenhouse gas emissions has become critically important for businesses and organizations. Calculating your carbon footprint, also known as a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory, is an effective way to map and measure both direct (Scope 1) and indirect (Scope 2 and Scope 3) emissions, helping identify the largest emission sources and finding effective ways to [...]

2024-11-05T16:05:56+02:006. Nov 2024|Sustainability|

Why Companies Should Measure Their Carbon Footprint: Benefits of a GHG Inventory

Measuring a company’s carbon footprint is a crucial step toward sustainability and understanding its climate impact. Carbon footprint measurement, also known as a GHG inventory, allows a company to identify how its activities, products, and services impact the climate. During this process, the entire organization’s operations are assessed, from the materials used to the effects stemming from the consumption and end-of-life of [...]

2024-10-30T09:26:12+02:0030. Oct 2024|Sustainability|

What Are Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions?

When discussing sustainability, terms like "Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3" frequently come up. These concepts are essential for understanding and managing the climate impact of companies, projects, and organizations. Let's explore what these scopes mean and why they are crucial. Direct vs. Indirect Emissions According to the GHG Protocol methodology, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to an [...]

2024-10-29T15:27:04+02:0023. Oct 2024|Sustainability|
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