I got my bachelor’s degree in the University of Tartu with a thesis about “The development of terrestrial mammals’ movement patterns and the perception of space in natural landscapes”. Naturally, the next step for me was to study the site occupancy patterns of the Siberian Flying Squirrel (Pteromys volans) in a master’s program to have a better understanding of animal ecology. Currently, I’m doing my PhD in zoology and ecology, studying the impacts of even-aged forestry on biodiversity via tree-related microhabitats.
In Hendrikson & Ko, I work mainly with strategic documents (SEA, DNSH). Additionally, I do other environmental impact assessments (EIA, wildlife assessments, consultations).
During free time I read a lot of books, go to cinema, and play strategic boardgames. I love training my dog and hiking. I’m also keen to making itineraries for me and my friends’ yearly trips. Not a day goes by when I don’t sing or play a piano.