Phone: +372 5662 7084
E-mail: krista@dge.ee
Every action has an impact on our surrounding environment. As a leading environmental expert (license no KMH0158) I work with environmental impact assessments, strategic assessments of environmental impact for detailed planning and preliminary assessments. My focus is on identifying the scope and significance of the environmental impact coming from the planned action. I also consult clients on finding and choosing the best alternative. My special talent in Hendrikson & Ko is modeling and assessing the impact of air pollution. I also help with applications for environmental permits.
I have a degree from Estonian University of Life Sciences in use and protection of natural resources (MSc). Before coming to Hendrkson & Ko I used to work in public sector in the field of industry and mining and thanks to that I can look at project not only from the expert point of view. I am also a member of Estonian Association of Environmental Impact Assessors.