Hendrikson & Ko offers, in collaboration with many experts and organizations, a large variety of services in the field of water management. These include compiling water management procedure plans and permits for special use of water, surveys, expert assessments, etc. During the development process of more detailed and technical solutions, we have had collaboration with many well-known engineering bureaus, both domestic and international. Water management can be divided into two bigger groups: bodies of water and aquatic ecosystems as a natural treasure and water as a resource.
Consultations concerning aquatic ecosystems:
- Compilation of water management procedure plans and necessary inventories and assessments for them;
- Surveys and assessments to determine status of water bodies(water quality for rivers and lakes and state of aquatic life);
- Surveys and assessments for expanding water bodies (e.g. assessing the state of dams and reservoirs, preparing and assessing environmental impacts of fish stairs, compiling permits for special use of water);
- Consultations about maintenance of water bodies (renovating water bodies, restoring natural water conditions, impact assessments);
- Consultations about protection procedure plan for water bodies.
In addition:
- Spatial planning of marine areas;
- Spatial planning/technical designing and SEA/EIA for installations alongside the sea.